My name is Sophie Fuller and I have just completed my final year of studying BA(hons)Graphic Design at Nottingham Trent University. I have created this blog to upload some images of my work for everyone and anyone to view.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Major 1 - Brothers Grimm

The brief set, was to choose a story by the Brother's Grimm and illustrate and to convey the story in some way. The story I chose was Sleeping Beauty. I chose this story because there were several parts of it that I felt could be visually appealing, for example, when thorns grow around the castle. Also the Brother's Grimm story had been changed in the Disney version which I had been more familiar with, and therefore I wanted to highlight the differences made. The Brothers Grimm stories are also known for being slightly more sinister than your average fairytale, and I felt my style of illustration would suit this. 

Here are some images of the illustrations I created:

This is an illustration of the talking fish, who tells the queen she will have a daughter - this 
is not in the Disney version.

And finally some images of the finished book:

All of the illustrations and front cover were created using Lino's. I experimented with scanning in the illustrations created by the Lino's and then printing them off as part of a computer created book but felt the illustrations lacked a quality which made them appealing in the first place. Therefore, so that the book was entirely created by hand, I experimented with screenprinting the text of the story. However, the prints rarely came out clear and distracted from the Lino's, which are teh main features. Therefore I had to combine making the book by hand and on computer and I'm extremely pleased with the results. 

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